Another magic trick from Mother Nature. 

This is something that almost all red wines and some white wines go through and only few people know about.

After the alcoholic fermentation a whole other fermentation starts. Usually this happens naturally if we let the wines rest at room temperature – or cellar temperature. It's Mallorca in autumn and not really cold. 

This is getting a bit nerdy now.  A fabulous strain of lactic acid bacteria called Oenococcus oeni and various species of Lactobacillus and Pediococcus simply transform the harder tasting malic acid (malic as in apple) in our wines into a softer and more creamy tasting lactic acid (lactic as in milk products). Et voila!

In case we want to avoid this and preserve that extra vibrant acidity in our whites, we simply cool them down and give them a shot of sulfur dioxide to prevent the bacteria from having a say.